Performance Optimization

A slow website means a high bounce rate. Users won’t give you more than a few seconds before they assume your website is broken, and go somewhere else. What’s more, search engines take note of an under-performing site, and penalize it accordingly. Perhaps on your office computer your site is loading quickly enough for you, but have you thought about how it loads overseas, or on low bandwidth connections? Let’s do a full review of your site’s performance and see where we can get you.

Analytics Reporting

How do you know where and why you’re succeeding if you don’t measure results? Primitiv Media is experienced at integrating advanced analytics solutions with your website, and producing detailed reports that analyze your traffic sources and help you optimize your future efforts. We can take things even further, and set up A/B testing, heatmap tracking, and advanced solutions with Google Tag Manager. Let us take charge of analytics reporting on your site, and ensure the success of your online marketing.

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Find Out What it Takes

Your customers are out there trying to find you. Let’s talk about what we need to do to make it easy for them. There’s no obligation and no cost for an initial consultation, so give us your contact information and we will be in touch to find out what you need.